
White Rose Award workshops

Based on current government guidelines we have made the decision to cancel The White Rose Awards Workshops.

We are encouraging businesses to enter the awards as normal and look forward to showcasing the best in Yorkshire at the awards ceremony later in the year.

If you have any questions or need any guidance please contact Philippa Kelly-Bull

Workshop Presentation

Download the presentation for full voiceovers and video »



We are looking at other options to deliver this information and will be in touch in due course.


Welcome to Yorkshire have arranged FREE White Rose Awards entry training session which is open to ALL Yorkshire businesses to register to attend.

The workshop will provide information for a better understanding of the awards and what the WRA judging panel is looking for, whether you’ve entered the White Rose Awards before, or would like to enter for the first time. This is an ideal opportunity to meet with a member of the Welcome to Yorkshire team, who will be able to demonstrate how streamlined the process is and to give tips and advice to ensure the application form is completed to have maximum impact.